
Java Key Pair Generator With Password

Java Key Pair Generator With Password 6,8/10 6965 votes
  • I know it's a little bit late but I also have been looking for a way to do this and while i was searching I found your question, now that I have found a way to do this I decided to come back and share this.
  • Example of RSA generation, sign, verify, encryption, decryption and keystores in Java - RsaExample.java. KeyPair pair = generator.
  • A key pair is generated by using the KeyPairGenerator class. In this example you will generate a public/private key pair for the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). You will generate keys with a 1024-bit length. Generating a key pair requires several steps: Create a Key Pair Generator. The first step is to get a key-pair generator object for.
  • The Java KeyPairGenerator class (java.security.KeyPairGenerator) is used to generate asymmetric encryption / decryption key pairs.An asymmetric key pair consists of two keys. The first key is typically used to encrypt data. The second key which is used to decrypt data encrypted with the first key.
  1. Java Key Pair Generator With Password Windows 7
  2. Java Key Pair Generator With Password Download
  3. Java Key Pair Generator With Password Key
  4. Java Key Pair Generator With Password Windows 10

The Java KeyPairGenerator class (java.security.KeyPairGenerator) is used to generate asymmetric encryption / decryption key pairs. An asymmetric key pair consists of two keys. The first key is typically used to encrypt data. The second key which is used to decrypt data encrypted with the first key.

The Java Keytool is a command line tool which can generate public key / private key pairs and store them in a Java KeyStore.The Keytool executable is distributed with the Java SDK (or JRE), so if you have an SDK installed you will also have the Keytool executable. Java Cryptography - KeyPairGenerator - Java provides the KeyPairGenerator class. The KeyPairGenerator class provides a method named initialize this method is used to initialize the key pair generator. This method accepts an integer value representing the key size. Generate the key pair using this method as shown below.

Public Key, Private Key Type Key Pairs

The most commonly known type of asymmetric key pair is the public key, private key type of key pair. The private key is used to encrypt data, and the public key can be used to decrypt the data again. Actually, you could also encrypt data using the public key and decrypt it using the private key.

The private key is normally kept secret, and the public key can be made publicly available. Thus, if Jack encrypts some data with his private key, everyone in possession of Jack's public key can decrypt it.

Creating a KeyPairGenerator Instance

To use the Java KeyPairGenerator you must first create a KeyPairGenerator instance. Creating a KeyPairGenerator instance is done by calling the method getInstance() method. Here is an example of creating a Java KeyPairGenerator instance:

The getInstance() method takes the name of the encryption algorithm to generate the key pair for. In this example we use the name RSA.

Initializing the KeyPairGenerator


Depending on the algorithm the key pair is generated for, you may have to initialize the KeyPairGenerator instance. Initializing the KeyPairGenerator is done by calling its initialize() method. Here is an example of initializing a Java KeyPairGenerator instance:

This example initializes the KeyPairGenerator Guitar pro 6 offline activation key generator download pc. to generate keys of 2048 bits in size.

Generating a Key Pair

To generate a KeyPair with a KeyPairGenerator you call the generateKeyPair() method. Here is an example of generating a KeyPair with the KeyPairGenerator:

Right 1
Example of RSA generation, sign, verify, encryption, decryption and keystores in Java
import staticjava.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
publicclassRsaExample {
publicstaticKeyPairgenerateKeyPair() throwsException {
KeyPairGenerator generator =KeyPairGenerator.getInstance('RSA');
generator.initialize(2048, newSecureRandom());
KeyPair pair = generator.generateKeyPair();
return pair;
publicstaticKeyPairgetKeyPairFromKeyStore() throwsException {
//Generated with:
// keytool -genkeypair -alias mykey -storepass s3cr3t -keypass s3cr3t -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks
InputStream ins =RsaExample.class.getResourceAsStream('/keystore.jks');
KeyStore keyStore =KeyStore.getInstance('JCEKS');
keyStore.load(ins, 's3cr3t'.toCharArray()); //Keystore password
KeyStore.PasswordProtection keyPassword =//Key password
KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry privateKeyEntry = (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) keyStore.getEntry('mykey', keyPassword);
java.security.cert.Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate('mykey');
PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
PrivateKey privateKey = privateKeyEntry.getPrivateKey();
returnnewKeyPair(publicKey, privateKey);
publicstaticStringencrypt(StringplainText, PublicKeypublicKey) throwsException {
Cipher encryptCipher =Cipher.getInstance('RSA');
encryptCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
byte[] cipherText = encryptCipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes(UTF_8));
publicstaticStringdecrypt(StringcipherText, PrivateKeyprivateKey) throwsException {
byte[] bytes =Base64.getDecoder().decode(cipherText);
Cipher decriptCipher =Cipher.getInstance('RSA');
decriptCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
returnnewString(decriptCipher.doFinal(bytes), UTF_8);
publicstaticStringsign(StringplainText, PrivateKeyprivateKey) throwsException {
Signature privateSignature =Signature.getInstance('SHA256withRSA');
byte[] signature = privateSignature.sign();
publicstaticbooleanverify(StringplainText, Stringsignature, PublicKeypublicKey) throwsException {
Signature publicSignature =Signature.getInstance('SHA256withRSA');
byte[] signatureBytes =Base64.getDecoder().decode(signature);
return publicSignature.verify(signatureBytes);
publicstaticvoidmain(String.. argv) throwsException {
//First generate a public/private key pair
KeyPair pair = generateKeyPair();
//KeyPair pair = getKeyPairFromKeyStore();
//Our secret message
String message ='the answer to life the universe and everything';
//Encrypt the message
String cipherText = encrypt(message, pair.getPublic());
//Now decrypt it
String decipheredMessage = decrypt(cipherText, pair.getPrivate());
//Let's sign our message
String signature = sign('foobar', pair.getPrivate());
//Let's check the signature
boolean isCorrect = verify('foobar', signature, pair.getPublic());
System.out.println('Signature correct: '+ isCorrect);

commented Oct 17, 2019

Java Key Pair Generator With Password Windows 7

It's good thank you so much , How can i create base64 like jwt (header,body,sign) ?

commented Nov 26, 2019

Java Key Pair Generator With Password Download

Thanks for the code. One issue - using openjdk version '11.0.5-ea' 2019-10-15 requires the KeyStore.getInstance('JCEKS') code to be KeyStore.getInstance('PKCS12').

Java Key Pair Generator With Password Key

commented Dec 29, 2019

Java Key Pair Generator With Password Windows 10

@stdunbar: It depends on your keyStore creation.

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